We are electrical and mechanical engineers with over 60 years of combined experience in product and technology development. Go to the "Team” page for an introduction.
We have the practical experience and technical knowledge to guide you through the process of making your home or business property greener, smarter and more energy efficient through a simple, commonsense approach.
We continually study the energy market in order to keep up with new cutting edge developments in products, technologies and services.
To help you personalize your energy system, we recommend the best products, technologies and services from our established network of highly rated local companies in order to offer you the best possible products and prices.
We want to show you how you can create a home or business property that is a more comfortable and inviting place to live in or work at.
We will inform you about all available incentives and financing methods that will help to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses in achieving a greener, smarter, and more energy efficient home or business property.
We are funded by the companies we recommend and you choose and are therefore able to offer our Energy Audit Programs to you for free.